Business Name:
First Name:
Last Name:
City:      State:     ZIP/Postal Code:
Home Phone:     Office:     Cell:
E-Mail Address:

We are collaborating with the following MusicLink local program:

City:      State:     ZIP/Postal Code:
Home Phone:     Office:     Cell:
E-Mail Address:

We would like to support the MusicLink Foundation and our local MusicLink program by providing:

MusicLink scholarship lessons at stores for promising students nominated by schools and youth organizations in your community.
Discounts on music and materials for MusicLink students
Discounts on music or materials for MusicLink teachers*
Free or reduced instrument rentals for MusicLink students
Discounts or donations of instruments as needed for MusicLink students
Assistance in fund-raising events linking our store with the MusicLink Foundation and our local MusicLink program.
Store recital space provided for MusicLink recitals/meetings

Additional resources we can provide:

The MusicLink Foundation encourages businesses to support MusicLink program in ways that are simple to implement and can provide essential resources for MusicLink teachers and students in their communities. Businesses who collaborate with local MusicLink coordinators and teachers can request a plaque recognizing this support from the MusicLink Foundation. MusicLink teachers receive an ID number from the organization identifying them as active MusicLink teachers.